For Your Family

Transpectives offers you an opportunity to change the relationships you have with your family, or to find peace in your circumstances.
You have little desire to be together and experience tension when you are together; yet you feel that you must maintain the family unit. Since you don’t know what to do, you avoid contact as much as possible. But you want this to change.
Transpectives identifies the key conversations that need to happen, helps you navigate the messy family dynamics and supports you as you develop healthier patterns.
The Transpectives difference. Going beyond simply resolving conflict, Transpectives helps you address the underlying drivers that maintain the conflict between you and the other. You come to understand yourself and the other in new ways. As you adopt new behaviors and find options previously unseen, your desire to be together is increased – or you are at peace with being apart.
Transpectives Offers:
Relationship Counselling. Once more you tackle the same difficult conversations between you that often go awry. But this time you engage each other in the presence of a professional family facilitator who helps you converse differently. This unique opportunity gives each of you a different experience of yourself, while the other witnesses it. Also, as you see the other’s vulnerabilities, you experience them in a new way and consequently feel more connected to them.
Reconciliation and Trust Building. The pain of broken trust in family relationships goes deep! Increasingly we are involved in helping families build or rebuild trust—we specialize in relationship reconciliation wherever possible. We identify the key trust issues, design a tailored process to help the family engage, and begin to build trust one step at a time.
Family Business Mediation. There is a critical art to family business mediation. We understand that the addressing underlying hurts and pain associated with family conflict are essential to resolving family business disputes. Transpectives helps you converse effectively about the troubling family dynamics and get your business moving again. You find a path to resolving the issues in the dispute and are no longer stuck. A healthy family and a strong business is a realistic goal.
Family Business Succession. Most family business successions fail not for the lack of plans nor great advice. Most often succession failure is linked to the complexity of business family relationships. Since success is grounded in the ability to have difficult conversations, Transpectives helps you increase your capacity for conflict and then takes you one step further—helping you use your conflict to navigate the relational complexity of family business succession.