For Your Organization

Transpectives helps you turn conflict headaches into opportunities for shaping a successful organization culture. You know you are stuck in conflict because critical decisions are being stalled or suspended.. Our customized approach will enable you to use relational tensions to build the organization culture that will optimize your competitive edge.
Transpectives helps you gain perspective on the conflict, efficiently and effectively get to the conflict issues that will not only release your business to perform, but also help you to build capacity to better deal with the next conflict. Transpectives focuses on the utilization of conflict as a key leverage point for strategic advantage.
The Transpectives difference. Since innovating at every organizational interface has never been more important, we help leaders move from simplistic conflict resolution, to embracing conflict as part of successful organization.
Transpectives Offers:
Build capacity for conflict as part of your competitive advantage. Through individual interviews we identify the issues and then facilitate the conversations to unlock the real potential of your key team. We then coach executive managers who want to take their teams to the next level.
Business Transition. Conflict in business transitions is costly! Conflict either energizes innovation or it defends the past. Transpectives specializes in dealing with the relational dynamics involved in business change, and helps create the organizational culture which feeds your competitive advantage. When transitions get bogged down in conflict, Transpectives helps you discern the necessary from unnecessary conflict and find the leverage in that conflict for sustainable success.
Team Conflict. Working with you and your team we will help you to discover the strategic value in workplace conflict for healthy and effective work relationship. Acquire the tools to build capacity for conflict in your team, as the foundation to a business culture that will deliver strategic results now and into the future.
Trust Building. Increasingly clients want more than simply resolving the issues over which there has been conflict. Transpectives is known for our experience in rebuilding damaged workplace relationships. We are trusted with this delicate, sensitive and highly rewarding work. By analyzing the situation, we determine which elements of the conflict are most significant in finding the way from the present to the future. We design processes for the rebuilding of trust which have the best possibility of facilitated success.
Community Conflict. Community transitions become complicated for leaders when the proposed journey of change gets derailed by conflict. Transpectives helps you to understand your conflict, find the leverage points, identify options for change and design a path to the future.
Workplace Mediation. Facilitating workplace conflict resolution between groups and individuals is a key service that Transpectives provides to organizations, because performance is optimized through effective workplace relationships. Our services are often contracted after other conflict resolution attempts have failed. This work includes a combination of conflict analysis, mediation and customized training to build capacity to manage conflict well.
Conflict Training. Every leader needs to know how to analyze and manage conflict effectively. Using a dynamic systems approach, Transpectives equips leaders to use conflict for business, team and personal development. We train you in how to quickly and efficiently assess a conflict situation, design process and manage that conflict for effective results.